Here is another flyer design for The Curzon's Midnight Movies, Twilight inspired night with an 80's Twist on the whole Vampires vs werewolves.

It's a bit of a departure to the film poster style, i thought about the concept of it being done better in the 80's... reminiscing about the films as a child and thought it would be a great to have the whole thing illustrated in a real rough almost school boy drawing esque illustration, with the fantasy element of Vampires V Werewolves.
I love the rough and ready style of Benjamin Marra and Jiro Bevis so took some influence from the freedom you find in there work, to quote Benjamin Marra:
"I try overcome self-doubt with regards to my work by drawing as I did earlier in my life: with a naive passion and intense enthusiasm for the subject matter."
The icing on the cake was to have it all on 80's computer paper, i remember my dad bring reams of it home from work and me always drawing on it.
Then just played about with it so it looks like some ones just re-discovered it in the back of there old draw.